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I am an evolutionary ecologist interested in biodiversity, phylogenetics, phylogeography and speciation. 
The most accurate predators of the insect world, dragonflies and damselflies,  are my favorite model organism. 
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Hijas del agua, hadas del aire

Este libro presenta el orden de insectos Odonata, integradopor libélulas y caballitos del diablo o damiselas, con breves textos redactadospor expertos, y con cerca de dos centenares de imágenes —ilustracionescientíficas y fotografías actuales, además de pinturas y grabados del siglo xen adelante—. Se explica su ciclo de vida, que involucra el agua, el aire y latierra: del cortejo a la cópula y de los huevos a las larvas o ninfas acuáticasde las que emerge el insecto adulto, un ágil volador y cazador. Se describe larica diversidad en formas, colores y comportamientos de las 6.500 especies deodonatos de todo el mundo, su papel en los ecosistemas y las amenazas que losacechan. Se mencionan sus ancestros, los gigantes Protodonata ya extintos, quevivieron antes de los dinosaurios. Y se repasa la fascinación que estos sereshan suscitado en tantas culturas, pasadas y presentes, muchas de las cuales lesasignan un valor simbólico. Al divulgar el conocimiento sobre la biología eimportancia de las libélulas, la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y la Editorialde la Universidad del Rosario quieren fomentar el cuidado de la vida silvestre.


The present book deals with the insects of the order Odonata, that includes dragonflies and damsels. It contains agile texts written by experts and about two hundred images – scientific illustrations and current photographs, as well as paintings and engravings going as far back as the tenth century. The book treats the complex life cycle of these insects which spans water, air, and land: from courtship to copulation, from eggs to larvae or aquatic nymphs from which this lively flyer and hunter emerges. It describes the rich diversity, in shapes, colors and behaviors, of the 6,500 species of odonates around the world, their role in ecosystems and the threats that imperil them. The ancestry of this order is traced back to a group, now extinct, of much larger animals called Protodonata, which lived before the dinosaurs. The text discusses the strong fascination that these insects have elicited in many cultures, past and present, many of which assign them a symbolic value. By disseminating knowledge about the biology and importance of dragonflies, the Department of Natural Sciences and the Publisher hope to heighten the appreciation of wildlife.

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