Melissa Sanchez Herrera
PhD in Ecology and Evolution
PostDoc University of Alabama
Research Associate 2022-2024
AMNH Division of Invertebrate Zoology
Member of @ENTOPOC
President Dragonfly Society of the Americas (2021-2023)
The population genetics, genomics and evodevo genius! my current lab GEUR!
Butterfly communities and microbiomes
My awesome adviser! INDESCRIBABLE!
Best labmate! We have develop protocols of geometric morphometrics and computer vision to asses wing color patterns
We are crazy about Polythore, we have been working on understanding the forces behind this stunningly polymorphic damsels. We also collaborate in other odonate evolution
My fieldwork sensai, assessing the alpha taxonomy of Colombia Odonata
Alex works at the Ecology Institute in the UNAM in Mexico City. We are collaborating in multiple projects of evolutionary ecology in Neotropical Odonata
We collaborate is Colombian Polythoridae Biodiversity. He is currently doing his MSc. in INECOL in Mexico.
Current Students
JP did his undergrad thesis with population genetics of Polythore species of the North East Andes ... we are working in the manuscript. He is also a team member of the Anchicaya eDNA project. His passion are birds so now he just started his master working with the hummingbirds of the genus Metallura.
Frasella did her undergrad thesis on the population genetics of the urban cockroaches in Bogota.
Maria Paula is currently working in the microbiome of two species of Heliconius butterflies, in collaboration with Emily Khazan
Juliana finished her masters figuring out acclimation in Erythodiplax fusca inmature stages!
PhD Student working in the Dragons and Damsels from Anchicaya!
Former Students
Just started his PhD at Cunny!!
Staring her masters in Sweden!
Currently finishing up his masters @JessicaWareLab
Morphology, systematics and niche ecology modeling of Polythore. She is working in an Environmental consulting firm in NJ!
Id-ing NJ bugs! Database, and Odonata wing scans. Now she is in LOREAL!
Id-NJ bugs! Databasing, Odonata Wing Scans and soon to be a Pharmacist!
Comparison of wing color pattern of toxic butterflies and Polythore in Peru. She is Microbiologist of LOREAL!
Wing geometric morphometrics across all Polythore species. Now working on larvae barcoding ... She is looking for Grad School!
PCR masters! Comparing amplification methods of multiple genes in damselflies. All of them will be our future MD.
Geometric morphometrics in Peruvian Polythore species. She is at the New Jersey Medical School.
LSAMP conference 2015